Monday, May 20, 2024

Too Strange to Be True: 12 Ridiculous Excuses for Calling in Sick!


Ridiculous Excuses for Calling in Sick

Ever needed a day off so badly that a little white lie seemed harmless? We’ve all been tempted,  but some people take it to a whole new level.  From bizarre pet mishaps to sudden acts of nature, get ready to laugh (and cringe) at these ridiculously unbelievable excuses for calling in sick. You might even be inspired to get a little more creative with your own time-off requests…or not!

1. Attack of the Killer Goldfish

Fake sick excuses

“Sorry boss, can’t come in. My goldfish went rogue, jumped out of its bowl, and is currently terrorizing the cat. It’s a bloodbath.” Seriously, who knew those innocent-looking fish could be so vicious? Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate those childhood aquarium dreams… I’m starting to wonder if the poor cat even survived the onslaught. Did I mention my goldfish’s name is Bruce?

2. When Nature Strikes Out of Nowhere

Bad excuses to call in sick

“I’d love to work today, but a spontaneous sinkhole just opened up in my bedroom. Might be a while before I can excavate myself.” At least they’re being optimistic? Let’s hope they packed a flashlight and a good book down there! Wonder if they’ll discover any buried treasure while they’re digging themselves out… maybe even stumble upon a whole lost underground city!

3. Bad Luck (and Bad Fashion Choices)

 Unbelievable excuses for work

“I can’t get my pants off. No, seriously. The zipper’s completely stuck. Emergency tailor visit is in order.” A truly unfortunate wardrobe malfunction! It’s enough to make anyone swear off zippers for life. I don’t even want to imagine the contortions they’ll try before finally calling in a professional. At this rate, they might end up having to cut themselves out of those pants.

4. The Dreaded “24-Hour Bug” Isn’t Always What You Think

Worst excuses for calling out

“Woke up with the worst 24-hour bug ever. Turns out it wasn’t a virus, it was 24 actual bugs that somehow crawled into my ear overnight.” Time to invest in earplugs… and maybe a full-body bug inspection before bed. Just the thought of all those legs wriggling around in there is deeply disturbing. Nightmares for a week for sure! I guess you could turn it into a positive and say you’re getting your daily dose of protein?

5. When Your Tech Turns on You

 Excuses for missing a day of work

“My phone alarm decided to switch itself to silent mode AND change the time zone to Siberia. Guess I’m about 8 hours late, whoops!” Can’t blame everything on the dog…technology is a valid scapegoat, right? At least until our robot overlords become entirely self-aware… Honestly, I’m surprised the phone didn’t just start texting random emojis to my boss. Now THAT would be a truly believable excuse. Maybe I’ll store my phone in the freezer from now on, just in case. Ah, of course, this is perfect excuse for super sick Monday.

6. It’s All About the Delivery

 Creative excuses for work

“I’m truly, deeply sorry, but I have a life-threatening emergency. I swallowed a Lego. My foot is in excruciating agony with every step.” The key is sounding utterly sincere! Bonus points for a few pained groans added into the phone call for good measure. I’m tempted to fake-cough a bit too, just for good measure. And maybe practice saying “ow ow ow” in the most pathetic voice possible.

7. Blame it on the Furry Friends

Last-minute work excuses

“My dog ate my work laptop. No, I’m not kidding. It’s currently in about a thousand pieces.” Or, for a truly ridiculous twist: “My cat learned how to flush the toilet and flooded the entire apartment.” Time to puppy-proof the office, and maybe invest in a cat-proof toilet lid! Now I’m imagining my dog wearing a tiny hacker hoodie as he dismantles my laptop. Maybe I should start hiding my credit cards too. But if you want to really rely on science, your pets can really get you sick.

8. Wardrobe Malfunctions Gone Wild

How to call in sick convincingly

“My pants split wide open the second I sat down. It’s more than a fashion faux pas, it’s a hazard.” Or, always a classic: “I accidentally superglued my shoes to the floor.” Lesson learned: double-check before you sit, and keep the superglue away from your footwear. Let’s be honest, those pants were probably on their last legs anyway. Maybe this is the universe’s way of forcing me to go shopping! But seriously, how should you handle office wardrobe malfunctions?

9. “Unexpected” Home Repairs


“A pipe burst in my ceiling and now it’s raining…indoors. I need to find a bucket and an ark.” Bonus points if you send a picture of a strategically placed pot catching drips. At least it’s a good excuse to practice your umbrella-twirling indoors? Maybe I should start wearing a raincoat around the house from now on, just to be safe. Time to break out the galoshes and start searching for a good indoor pool float!

10. When the Stars Don’t Align

stars don't align

“My horoscope said today was a terrible day for important decisions. Working kind of counts as decision-making…right?” Let’s blame it on Mercury in Retrograde! Maybe your boss is an astrology fan and will completely understand. Perhaps I should start carrying around a few crystals for protection, just in case the universe tries to thwart my plans again. Honestly, from now on I’ll blame everything that goes wrong on the planets.

11. Transportation Troubles

transportation woes

“My car got towed…while I was in it.” Or, “A flock of seagulls decided to use my windshield as target practice. It’s…not pretty.” Time to test the limits of believability! Who knows, maybe you’ll become a local legend with these tales. Maybe the towing people should get penalized for this, I wonder if there’s a law against that? It’s a story so crazy, it might even end up going viral!

12. The Mysterious Ailment

calling in sick

“I think I’m allergic to…gravity? Getting out of bed feels impossible.” Or, the ever-vague “I woke up feeling ‘off’.” Specificity is the enemy when faking an illness! The more mysterious, the better (and less likely they’ll ask for elaborate details). Maybe I ate something weird in a dream? Or it’s a side effect of watching too many time travel movies? Either way, staying in bed all day sounds like the only solution.

And There You Have It…The Most Ridiculous Work Excuses

Ridiculous work excuses

Hopefully, these ridiculous excuses for calling in sick provided a much-needed laugh. Just remember, while a silly fib might get you a free day, it’s ultimately better to build a workplace where employees feel comfortable taking time off when they genuinely need it.

What’s the most outrageous excuse YOU’VE ever heard? Share it in the comments!

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By: Randell Suba
Title: Too Strange to Be True: 12 Ridiculous Excuses for Calling in Sick!
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 13:55:25 +0000

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